DNA vs Paper Trail
Introduction I use to think that DNA could answer all of my questions as far as my ancestry. Yes, DNA can confirm paternity. Does it truly tell the the full story about a person's heritage or pedigree? I remember taking my first test years ago through DNAtribes. I wanted proof of the oral traditions of having an ancestor being Native. Indian is the term they would use. My father and others, would tell me about my ggrandfather, Dili, and that he was a Cherokee medicine man/herbalist from GA. He was from the Oconee River area. The Cherokee Indians lived on one side of the river and the Creek Indians lived on the other side. When I came to a road block on finding them on any Indian rolls, that's when I decided to turn to DNA. My Results I was looking forward to seeing my results. The first thing that I looked for was the Native/Indigenous part. To my surprise, I saw 0%. Instead, I received a small amount of Polynesian and Metis. I called...